Welcome to Tapbuf's Ape Escape Domain!

You are Spike, a friend of Jake. You are both excited to get to your dear friend's lab, their friend is also a professor. The reason for this being that he may have completed his time machine today! As you approach the door, you hear loud banging inside.
You enter, seeing the Professor and his daughter tied up in ropes. As you look up again to see who had done this, you see monkeys. Tons of monkeys. One of whom was wearing of the brilliant Professor's inventions, the Peak Point helmet. This device makes you smarter. The only downfall was that it hadn't yet been tested. It appears it has made the monkey aggresive.
The one wearing the Peak Point helmet must be their leader. He lifted his hand and pressed the button to the time traveling device. Oh no, Spike, Jake, & all the monkeys have been hurled back into the time of the Dinosaurs. Jake is no where to be found. It's up to you to use your tools, like the Time Net, Water Net, Lightsaber, etc., to capture all the monkeys, send them back in time, and save you and Jake. It's the only way to get back into the present time, and to save the UNIVERSE!
